Ore projects

Our company is developing various projects. We are interested in increasing the profitability of mineral production and therefore work only with a high metal content in ores. After the extraction of our mineral, we process it in an enriching factory, of which we are part-time shareholders. As a result, we get a high-containing concentrate, which is presented in the table below:

1 Au 3 – 22
2 Ag 10 – 550
3 Pb 60 – 75
4 Zn 35 – 55
5 Cu 10 – 35

Ore Mineral Extraction Process:

Alluvial Projects

Our company is also active in the extraction of alluvial gold in the Cusco and Madre de Dios regions (Peru). After the extraction of the initial material, we reduce it by passing through jigging machines. After that, we perform the final cleaning of the mineral on the vibration tables. As a result, we process the gold concentrate to the following values:

1 Au 10 – 50

Alluvial Mineral Extraction Process: